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Infants & Toddlers

Helps young children excel in language and cognitive learning as well as encourages independence, curiosity, cooperation, decision-making, persistence, creativity, and problem solving. The goal of this curriculum is to foster growth in the life skills children need to become successful adults.

Teachers encourage infants and toddlers, through active learning, to discover the world around them by exploring and playing. These individuals build long-term, trusting relationships with children and are always near by to support children as they play.

Through implementation of the Education Through Movement program, High Scope provides developmently appropriate activities for every age group. During movement and music time, children learn essential content in a fun way that encourages healthy physical development.

Movement & Music



High Scope curriculum is research based and child focused; using a process called 'active participatory learning." 


*The following link provides an example of High Scope curriculum in practice: 

High Scope offers a smooth transition from early childhood programs to kindergarten. It also works to keep enthusiasm for learning high throughout the school years. In addition, with knowledge of problem-solving skills, children are prepared to be active citizens, who work hard and build meaningful relationships.

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