Classroom Environment
High Scope's curriculum focuses on creating a environment where play items are used as "raw materials for learning. Characteristics of the learning environmnent in a High Scope program include: a welcoming atmosphere, sufficient materials for all children, children find, use, and return materials independtly, different types of play, the ability for children to see and move through all areas of the classroom or center, a flexible play area where children can bring materials around the room, and materials that reflect the diversity of children's family lives.
Every High Scope program divides their classroom into learning centers based on a reflection of the children's natural interests and developmental levels. Teachers engage children with open-ended materials such as art materials, fabric pieces, and all sizes of blocks. They also find natural, found, and recycled materials for example rocks, twigs, containers, shells, pieces of carpet, and old clothes. The use of real-life items like cooking utensils, dress-up clothes, and objects or tools from children's houses and yards are essential because they allow children to imitate adults.
Within the classroom, materials are consistently stored in places that are easily accessible for children. Containers and shelves are labeled with pictures, drawings, words, or tracings of the object.
First Light Children's Center
Address: 366 E. Brundage St.
Sheridan, WY 82801

Typical Intrest Areas:
-house -block
-art -toy
-reading and writing -sand and water
-woodworking -movement and music
-math and science -computer
*This is a near by Children's Center that uses High Scope Curriculum.
Check out their school at